Welcome to January and... the rest of your life?
It seems that with each passing year, I re-evaluate my life and second guess the career path that I'm on. Am I doing the right thing? Do I even like it? What else might I be interested in? What do I do?
All these questions usually drive me wonky and, until this year, I've always ended up completely switched my focus. On the bright side, being interested in so many subjects is never a bad thing, or at least that's what I tell myself. The realization though, is that until someone offers me a job as a professional career switcher, I have a feeling I'll have a bad time.
This past holiday season was especially rocky with major family changes, and heaps of external stress; all perfect conditions for a "life re-think". Surprisingly though, the 2014 to 2015 career blues never came, and for once I actually felt good about where I was headed. Obviously the stress of finding work after school is still lingering...hard, but that being said, I have no plans to change my focus anytime soon. Web design and development is still the game for me.
I also realize that this post is a purely selfish one, and offers no advice what-so-ever, but I guess that's just how it is this time. If there's anything can be taken away from this, it's this: If you're trying to make it in an overly saturated career field, with heaps of tough competition, long hours, little pay, and that requires a small amount of luck; and you aren't having second thoughts, you must be crazy... but you also must be doing something that you love, so it's 100% worth sticking it out.
Happy new year.
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