Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The creative process behind this animation.

The creative Process behind this Charge Rabbit Animation.

Charge Rabbit is a Shopify App that can be used to sell subscriptions right from your shopify store.  This app was built by my friend and he needed a video describing the app for his splash page in the shopify store

I consulted him on the features of the app to make sure to include all of the important information a user would want.  

I summarized his notes into a simple script and brainstormed the visuals that would allow people to understand exactly what this app does:  It connects Shopify with the subscription power of Stripe, which is a tool that allows business to accept and manage online payments. 
Connecting things, linking two apps together, that wouldn't otherwise be used together..the missing link.. puzzle pieces! 

So puzzle pieces became my characters, and illustrator and after effects became my new closest companions. I recorded the script, created all the necessary elements in illustrator and then brought them into After Effects for animation. 

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