Monday, January 12, 2015

Back on Solid Ground

Back on Solid Ground

Blogs are always rinsing and falling on the internet, am I right?
Thankfully mine stayed neutral. 


With this being the final post of this very short blogging segment, it's time to reflect on the overall experience:

I'll start by saying that I'm not opposed to blogging or sharing my opinions, it's just that it's not for me personally. Like I said back at the very beginning, I was raked over the coals in my previous blogging endeavour, and don't care to ever really try again. Although I enjoy reading other people's blogs and views, I'd prefer to keep mine to myself, or at the very most, within my immediate group of friends. 

My current social media presence is very indicative of this belief. As an example: I was recently and candidly, photographed and posted on the Vancouver Instagram feed known as "Man Bun Mondays" (make of that what you will), and due to this posting, my Instagram and Twitter feeds exploded with follow requests. I was averaging around 4 requests an hour for the next week or so; none of which I accepted. 

The reason I have any social media presence at all, is again, to primarily share things with my friends and family. I'm not in it for the "follows" or "likes", and I'm sure not about to accept any follows from randoms. This attitude spilled over into this blogging exercise, and clashed somewhat with the purpose, which was to share as much as possible and get engagement from the posts. Is there anything wrong with not wanting a huge internet following?

At the end of the day, even if no one read these Design Life & Struggle based posts, these blogs did help me to solidify and refresh my own personal love for graphic design and the web, so I'd say "job well done". 

Until next time (which there won't be),
All the best.


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