Sunday, January 11, 2015

What does Facebook have planned for the virtual generation?

Although this is fairly old news I feel like its importance has been overlooked..

Facebook the social media giant bought Oculus the company that revolutionized virtual reality for just over 2 billion dollars, $2,001,985,00 to be exact.

Virtual reality use to be look at as a way of the future, Im sure some would relate it to flying cars and
time travel but now a days it is much more relevant then flying cars and time travel now that we are living in the year 2015.
A question that arose to me was, why would a social media giant like Facebook be interested in virtual reality if they have nothing to do with gaming or the military?

A theory that I feel might be relevant is that they eventually want to build a virtual reality version of Facebook or a social media platform where instead of typing out post and sharing via keyboard you would just put on your mask and voila your in a virtual world  where  you would share and interact with your online peers using your voice, by actually talking and traveling through the virtual world to interact with your friends. This also ties into augmented reality which i feel will eventually go hand in hand with each other.

Founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg said that instead of focusing on first person shooters and flying spacecrafts, Oculus could potential revolutionize online meetings, messaging, and social events.. This sounds very interesting and Im looking forward to seeing what happens with it all.
Only time will tell I guess...

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